

Seni Pedang Sukma Kencana is divided into 2 main levels, notably Peringkat Umar (Level 1 & 2) and Peringkat Ali (Level 3). We do not practice the buah or kata system in actual application of the Art, but the system is applied during instructional sessions to help with the learning. The system is based on the flow of the enemy, and the swordsman rides the flow rather than go against it.

Peringkat Umar is practiced with the sword drawn, while during Peringkat Ali, the sword is still in its scabbard. A brief break-down of the syllabus is as follows:

Peringkat Umar I (Level 1)

Practitioners in this level are granted permission to wear a white belt or sash.

Peringkat Umar II (Level 2)

Practitioners in this level are granted permission to wear a black belt or sash.

Peringkat Ali (Level 3)

Practitioners in this level are granted permission to wear a red belt or sash. Their final test will be the forging of their own swords.

Periodical tests will be carried out and all certification examinations should be carried out in the presence of the Guru Utama (Grand Master) or his representative. All students who wish to proceed to Instructorship will need to complete Level 1 and get certified as a Junior Instructor or Jurulatih. Junior Instructors who complete the Umar II certification can then be upgraded to Senior Instructor (Guru Muda). Instructors who complete Level 3 will be granted the title Guru or Master, with the consent of the Mahaguru or Guru Utama.