Formal attire


Worn during training, demonstrations and events. Red shirt, black pants with white sampin and tanjak (headgear). Riding boots are usually worn during performances while the capal, a traditional Malay sandal is worn on normal occasions.


Worn for light training and sparring. Black t-shirt and black pants, with eye/head protection. 


The ArMAS Lite body armour is worn for heavy sparring and demonstration purposes. This suit and its variants is available as custom order from Nara Industries.

Formal Busana

Similar to the normal busana but with accessories and sword, keris and badik.

Busana (female)

Similar to the normal busana but with longer pants, accessories and sword, keris and badik. No tanjak is worn by the ladies.

Uniform (Discontinued)

This was an older version of the uniform, discontinued in favor of the new, less formal busana which is more in tuned with the classical Malay dress.

Ranking system

The ranking system in Seni Pedang Sukma Kencana only signifies the level (i.e. Umar I, Umar II or Ali) of the practitioner. The level is specified by the colour of the sash (bengkung). These are usually put on when the full busana is worn. The basic colour designations are as below:

The wearing of belts and sashes are only indicative of the level of knowledge attained by the practitioner. It is not a representation of one's skill with the sword. The different colours makes it easier for practitioners to recognize each other's level. Some practitioners may have a leather belt with a pending or buckle worn together with the sash. The belt is more of a personal preference, used to hold or hang weapons around the waist.

Members of the Dewan Perguruan or High Councilwear a black songket sash with gold thread.